Category Business
From Experience to Identity–The New Paradigm
Brands are inside-out, user experience is outside-in
Interview with Genevieve Bell, director of user experience at Intel
Genevieve Bell is a highly respected anthropologist and director of user experience at Intel. In this interview with Australian usability consultant Gerry Gaffney, she talks about what it means to build technology with the home in mind, about cultural influences…
France Telecom research on use of mobile multimedia services in cities
In Turin, design becomes supreme [La Repubblica]
Web 2.0 is a mass phenomenon, concludes UK survey
User research helped design a better Windows Vista
Sentimental journey: on computers and emotions [CIO Magazine]
Nickelodeon begins a web site focusing on interactive play [The New York Times]
Harvard Business Review on understanding the customer experience
“Companies that systematically monitor customer experience can take important steps to improve it—and their bottom line,” argue Christopher Meyer and Andre Schwager in the February 2007 issue of the Harvard Business Review. “Because a great many customer experiences aren’t the…
Harvard Business Review features user-centered innovation as breakthrough idea for 2007
The Harvard Business Review has published its annual list of Breakthrough Ideas for 2007, written out in “twenty essays that will satisfy our demanding readers’ appetite for provocative and important new ideas”. Eric von Hippel wrote the entry entitled “An…
Intentional Software: programming that captures the intentions of computer users [New York Times]
World Economic Forum on Web 2.0 and emerging social network models
Philips integrates experience research in healthcare innovation
Another Microsoft user experience “evangelist”
The Enchanted Office: “Once Upon A User Interface”
Jeffrey Veen chats with Irene Au, director of user experience at Google
Business apps giant SAP gets Web 2.0 bug [CNET News]
Innovation and the prosperity of nations [Core77]
“At the recent Competitiveness Summit, the connections between business and innovation were made starkly clear,” writes Nico Macdonald in a Core77 article. In November 2005 the UK Treasury published the Cox Review of Creativity in Business, addressing “a question that…