Category Business
Ethnographers uncover the ‘Unknown Unknowns’ about consumers [Advertising Age]
Book: Frontiers of Capital – Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy
Nokia Design video scenarios of future mobile device use
LEGO Serious Play: a tool to enhance innovation and business performance
Co-design, China and the commercialisation of the mobile user interface []
External expert team helps Philips focus on simplicity [Business Week]
Philips enters Second Life to co-create with end users
Learning people-driven innovation at the 180º Academy
The website of the Danish 180º Academy, that I wrote about earlier, is now live. The organisers “believe in people-driven innovation, enabling [their] students to understand innovation from the point of view of everyday people. Accepting this fact, 180°academy turns…
Anthropological study leads to Xerox printing innovation [The New York Times]
Book review: Designing Interactions by Bill Moggridge
Apple’s quest to put us at ease with technology [International Herald Tribune]
Who profits from user-created content?
Steelcase on user-centred research and its impact upon the healing environment
Paul Gardien of Philips Design on the importance of meaning in technological innovation
Google 2.0 and its growing power [The Mercury News]
Interview with IDEO chief creative officer Jane Fulton Suri
European Market Research Event – Day 2, morning
Due to travelling, it took me a few days to write up my summary of the Tuesday presentations at the European Market Research Event, but here we are. In this write-up I will concentrate on five speakers: James Surowiecki, Roula…
France Telecom on disability and innovation
European Market Research Event – Day 1, afternoon
During the afternoon sessions of the European Market Research Event, I attended presentations by Clive Grinyer of France Telecom Orange, Sarah Pearson of ACB/University of Sussex and Francesco Cara of Nokia. There is also a short write-up of a talk…