Category Conference

Experientia at EPIC 2012

Experientia will be at EPIC Conference, on October 14-17 2012, hosted by the Savannah College of Art and Design [SCAD], Savannah, USA. This year, Experientia president Michele Visciòla will be chairing the first (of two) Pecha Kucha session Renewals of…

Ubicomp’s colonial impulse

Paul Dourish and Scott Mainwaring, the founders of the Intel funded Social Computing Research Center at UC Irvine, presented yesterday a paper at Ubicomp 2012 with the short but bombshell title “Ubicomp’s Colonial Impulse” (pdf). The abstract remains quite vague,…

World IA Day 2012 keynote talks

World IA Day 2012 is about bringing the Information Architecture community together, and the first ever World IA Day, which took place on 11 February, featured keynote presentations by Peter Morville, Lou Rosenfeld and Jorge Arango. – Peter Morville: Cross-training…

Interactions 12: Day Two

Vicky Teinaki and Louise Taylor continue their coverage of the Interactions conference in Dublin. In this long article, they report on the presentations by Jonas Löwgren (School of Arts & Communication at Malmö University), Scott Nazarian (frog), Ariel Waldman (,…

Interactions 12: Day One

Dublin – and even its Lord Mayor – welcomed a record 750 attendees to the opening of Interaction 12. The day would unfold with Hitchcock, healthcare, and hearing the question :what if?”. Vicky Teinaki and Louise Taylor report on the…