Category Technology
Andy Budd on user experience design and user-centred design for the web
IBM invests $100 million in usability [CNET News]
Video material on experience design
Of tails and walls [International Herald Tribune]
“The old model [of the global marketplace] was one of control,” said Chris Anderson, editor of Wired magazine and author of the book “The Long Tail“, while he was recently in Paris. “Companies could control the user experience, and they…
Customer-centric digital signage in retail environments
“A retail executive who is considering a digital signage system shouldn’t let the tail wag the dog,” writes Peter Vrettas in Extended Retail Solutions. “Content, rather than hardware or software, drives digital signage. And the best digital signage systems are…
Interview of BT futurologist Ian Pearson
GE’s Kitchen of the Future with more talking refrigerators
Schools and universities setting up shop in Second Life [USA Today]
World Usability Day on 14 November – major event in Milan
The Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA) organises on 14 November 2006 its second global World Usability Day, with events in more than one hundred cities around the world. The World Usability Day event in Italy, which is also aimed at a…
Denmark’s largest companies launch user-driven innovation academy
Book: Designing Interactions by Bill Moggridge
Digital wellbeing and deglamourising choice [WorldChanging]
Jan Chipchase of Nokia on connecting the unconnected
Microsoft Home showcases new prototypes of technology for daily living
“As part of its ongoing investments in exploring how software-driven innovations might influence consumers’ lives over the next five to 10 years, Microsoft Corp. recently unveiled a host of new and updated technologies in the Microsoft Home. The latest scenarios…