Category Technology
Adaptive Path president takes aim at Jakob Nielsen
Forum to Advance the Mobile Experience (FAME)
Designing engaging mobile experiences
Glossary of social media for non-techies
Anne Kirah: “When culture meets technology and when technology meets culture”
Anne Kirah, until recently Senior Design Anthropologist at the Microsoft Corporation, spoke recently about her experience in developing software user interfaces that are based on local cultural conditions. The 50 minute talk, which can be seen in video stream, was…
Belgium’s i-City project tests mobile applications with thousands of users
55% of potential 3G portal users are lost due to basic usability issues
Users turn their noses up at mobile TV
Ubicomp and user experience at LIFT07
Nicolas Nova, one of the organisers of last week’s LIFT conference, has posted what he calls his “not very well structured thoughts on the LIFT07 talks about ubiquitous computing” on his blog Pasta and Vinegar. “There was a dedicated session…
The human factor in gadget, Web design [CNET News]
Be connected on the go: not anytime – not anywhere [Swisscom Innovations]
Trend: User generated search engine
Ajax vs. page views – web metrics vs. usability [USA Today]
Europe takes lead in Second Life [Reuters]
“Europeans make up the largest block of Second Life residents with more than 54 percent of active users in January ahead of North America’s 34.5 percent, according to new Linden Lab data,” as reported on Reuters/Second Life. “U.S. residents made…
LIFT07: the private is invading the workplace, not the other way around
Toy fair becomes tech fair for kids [Wired News]
Xerox PARC spins off start-up on natural language search [The New York Times]
Jan Chipchase of Nokia on literacy and mobile phone design
Illiterate consumers are in many ways lead users for the rest of us, argues Jan Chipchase, principal researcher at Nokia, at his presentation at the LIFT conference. A person is literate who can with understanding both read and write a…