Finland’s user-driven innovation policy

The 2010 Finnish National Innovation Strategy contains an important section on demand and user-driven innovation, with user-driven innovation being described as: “User-driven innovation makes use of information on customers, user communities and customer companies. It engages users as active participants in innovation activity. The key…

Planting memories in people’s heads

In our urge to create great products online, we should focus on making experiences happen that plant memories in people’s heads, argues Dmitry Dragilev, lead marketer at ZURB, in a guest contribution on Techcrunch. “Everyone gets caught up thinking it’s user experience they need to…

Gender differences in web usability

Frank Spillers thinks the User Experience community has not fully tapped the potential of gender-specific design aka Woman-centered Design. According to Spillers, gender as an audience sensitive criteria (differentiation) is barely present in North American technology product design (where it is much easier to do)…

The Economist on social innovation

In America and Britain governments hope that a partnership with “social entrepreneurs” can solve some of society’s most intractable problem. The Economist reports in a long article. “Social innovation” is the increasingly common shorthand for this approach to public-private partnerships. It differs from the fashion…

It pays to be useful

In this review of the book 50 Ways to Make Google Love Your Website, published by The Hindu, the author emphasises very strongly the importance of usefulness. “Create your website for your users, advise Steve Johnston and Liam McGee in “50 Ways to Make Google…

Why web tracking isn’t bad

Companies spend so much money on free services because of online advertising that trades in personal information. If Web users supply less information, the Web will supply less information to them, says Jim Harper in the Wall Street Journal. “If Web users supply less information…

The dirtiest word in UX: complexity

In an article for UX Mag designer Francisco Inchauste examines some of the many faces of complexity and explores the balance we need to find for successful solutions. Simplicity for its own sake should not be the goal. Balancing the amount of complexity that we…

The strategic arc of interaction design

Steve Baty, principal at Meld Studios and vice president of IxDA, argues in a long article on Core77 that interaction designers now have the opportunity to move their purview beyond the shallow plane of interaction into the design of systems, organisational capability and culture; to…

Cory Doctorow on curated computing

Cory Doctorow, the Canadian blogger, journalist and science-fiction author, argues in The Guardian that curated computing is no substitute for the personal and handmade. Although bespoke computing experiences promise a pipe dream of safety and beauty, the real delight, he says, lies in making your…

Time to break the cyber-utopian myth

Who do you read and associate with online? Ethan Zuckerman argues in this Guardian video that cultural and linguistic barriers stand in the way of our using the internet to tackle global issues.

The unintended consequences of Facebook

Facebook is about to celebrate its 500-millionth user, but the social media application has had wide consequences, even for those who have never signed on, writes the BBC. Many of the problems that are identified with Facebook are symptomatic of a company which only has…

Why traditional intranets fail today’s knowledge workers

Oscar Berg reflects on the changing role of intranets in knowledge-intensive businesses. “These intranets need to provide flexible access to both information and people by employing pull models for serving as many knowledge worker information needs as possible, including unanticipated information needs. Information supply needs…

Google knows your desires before you do

Google attempts to return relevant search results in the blink of an eye. But in future it could go one better, delivering search results to its users even before they know that they want the information, writes Paul Marks in the New Scientist. “In future,…