

Seeing Tomorrow’s Services

Adaptive Path organised a panel on service design yesterday. Panellists were Shelley Evenson (CMU), Robert Glushko (UC Berkeley), and Christi Zuber (Kaiser Permanente). No matter where the economy heads, one thing is certain: we’re living in a service economy. Approximately…

The future of shopping

The monthly business magazine Condé Nast Portfolio explores what the future holds for shopping now that retailers are hurting and consumers are expected to keep spending tight for 2009. Portfolio.com takes a look at the phenomenon of “mass customization” —…

Service design at Kraft

Reena Jana of Business Week reports from SXSW on the activities of Moshe Tamssot, Kraft’s VP of New Services. “Formerly of American Express and G.E., Tamssot was hired about a year and a half ago to help Kraft “transform” itself…

A participatory website supporting families with disabled children

The Turin-based non-profit organisation Area, which supports families with disabled children, just launched its new website, developed with the intensive support of Experientia. The site, named Di.To (Disabilità a Torino), offers information and orientation to families of children with disabilities…