Category Culture
The future of clothes
Trendwatching report on businesses and co-creation
Design as play
Welcome to the new dollhouse [The New York Times]
Forty percent of Americans play electronic games, poll shows [Seattle Times]
Mining the golden years [Business Week]
Cellphone gaming lacks pull, report shows [The Washington Post]
Innovation and creativity workshops at Davos World Economic Forum
Somewhat belatedly, I discovered John Thornhill’s summaries (published in the Financial Times) of the CEO workshops at January’s Davos World Economic Forum. Building a culture of innovation “The participants in this workshop [were] asked to apply design thinking to a…
In today’s high-tech dating world, roses are often read
In this age of high-speed instant communication, the manner in which potential lovers interact is a complicated, tiered system that has reconfigured the way we court. Gone are the days when potential paramours exchange phone numbers and contemplate too long…
Whirlpool’s push to jump-start innovation [Business Week]
Uday Dandavate on striking a balance
Through Core77, I learned about the thinking of Uday Dandavate, a principal of the participatory design agency Sonic Rim. Dandavate, who is trained as an industrial designer and is from Indian origin, is a thorough believer in the duty of…
Nokia online magazine on music and mobility
Digital kids series
Mediamatic publishes comprehensive reader on RFID
Mediamatic, the Amsterdam cultural institution, has published a comprehensive reader on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), as a preparation for their upcoming workshop on The Internet of Things (9-11 May – speakers include Régine Debatty and Malcolm McCullough). “Radio frequency identification…
New Berlin School of Creative Leadership
We are globalised, but have no real intimacy with the rest of the world [The Guardian]
With globalisation, most anticipate an inter-connected world with greater understanding of multiple cultures more than ever before. Martin Jacques, a senior visiting research fellow at the Asia Research Institute in Singapore, argues in The Guardian that this assumption is at…