Category Socio-cultural change
No more SMS from Jesus: ubicomp, religion and techno-spiritual practices
In a reflective and insightful paper, Dr. Genevieve Bell, a highly respected anthropologist and director of user experience at Intel, analyses the use of technology to support religious practices. Bell argues that “the ways in which new technologies are delivering…
Yahoo! study on the internet, Family 2.0 and the 43-hour day [Reuters]
Greater than the sum of its parts
Ethnography and philanthropy: giving is aspiring
A look at Mau’s Massive Change [Business Week]
“What do a featherless chicken, Wal-Mart’s (WMT) logistics system, and an economic theory on homeownership have in common? To Bruce Mau, they all demonstrate the power of design-oriented thinking in the innovation process,” writes Robert Berner in Business Week. “These…
Belgian experience design lab getting off the ground
One of the exciting initiaves within the Belgian C-Mine project is a new Experience Design Lab within the Media & Design Academy, a platform with the double function of integrating and transforming the various disciplines of the academy, and enabling…
The Principles of Play [Metropolis Magazine]
Library 2.0 [Library Journal]
Made in Italy at Chinese prices [Spiegel Online]
Spiegel Online just published a fascinating story about how the Chinese are infiltrating the Italian fashion industry, right here in Italy! The backdrop is Prato, a small Italian city of 180,000 with 25,000 Chinese workers and 2,000 Chinese entrepreneurs, who…
ThinkCycle: open collaborative design
ThinkCycle is an academic, non-profit initiative, developed and operated by a group of doctoral students at the MIT Media Laboratory, engaged in supporting distributed collaboration towards design challenges among underserved communities and the environment. ThinkCycle seeks to create a culture…