Category Design (general)

Book: Design and Anthropology

Design and AnthropologyEdited by Wendy Gunn, University of Southern Denmark and Jared Donovan, Queensland University of Technology, AustraliaAshgate, 2012Hardcover and ebook Design and Anthropology challenges conventional thinking regarding the nature of design and creativity, in a way that acknowledges the…

Dark Matter and Trojan Horses

“Dark Matter and Trojan Horses – A Strategic Design Vocabulary” is a short e-book by designer and urbanist Dan Hill in which he argues that in an age of wicked problems, conventional solutions are failing, and a new culture of…


  John Kolko reflects on design education and the importance of craftmanship in an article for Interactions Magazine. “Based on my experience reviewing portfolios from recent business school graduates, I would argue that one of the most fundamental failings of…