Category Experience design
Philips Design magazine on foresighting techniques, health and ‘sensitive’ interactions
Ziba Design on the importance of informed intuition [Fast Company]
User-centred design not so good when designing breakthrough products
Andy Budd on user experience design and user-centred design for the web
Bob Jacobson on advertising and experience design
Bob Jacobson is one of the more thoughtful thinkers on experience design and the commentary he provides on his Total Experience blog is therefore frequently cited on Putting People First. Yesterday he analysed how the advertising profession has opened a…
Video material on experience design
Interview with Stanford design school director
GE’s Kitchen of the Future with more talking refrigerators
World Usability Day on 14 November – major event in Milan
The Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA) organises on 14 November 2006 its second global World Usability Day, with events in more than one hundred cities around the world. The World Usability Day event in Italy, which is also aimed at a…
Denmark’s largest companies launch user-driven innovation academy
Book: Designing Interactions by Bill Moggridge
How the human experience drives design at Nokia on status skills
Philips reveals new design innovations at the 2006 Simplicity Event
Futurelab on learning, social software and games
IDEO’s experiential approach
Applied empathy: a design framework for meeting human needs and desires
“The methods most user experience professionals typically use today are, at best, incomplete and, at worst, without any meaningful focus,” writes Dirk Knemeyer in UXMatters. “There is not a successful, established approach and framework for closely linking the real-world needs…