Category HCD / UXD

Service design at IKEA

Walking through IKEA over the weekend with two young children, writes Shailesh Manga on UXMovement, was a healthy reminder of what contributes to an ideal customer experience: innovative product design and thoughtful service design. IKEA covers product design with innovative…

Tablet versus PC: a creative decision

By fighting over whether tablets or PCs are better tools for creating content—as a sort of proxy war over whose vision owns the future of computing devices—we may be overlooking something important: the possibility that these very different devices may…

Book: UX Best Practices

UX Best Practices – How to Achieve More Impact with User Experience Helmut Degen & Xiaowei Yuan (Eds.) McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2011 ISBN-10: 007175251X, ISBN-13: 978-0071752510 304 pages (Amazon) Helmut Degen, Ph.D., works as a program manager for Siemens Corporate…

Make your users do the work

“Make your users do the work< ” is the not very people-centred title of a guest piece by Nir Eyal on Techcrunch. He argues that putting users to work is critical in creating products people love, and he has a…

Awesome experiences make us nicer

New research by published in the journal Psychological Science shows that awe-inspiring moments can literally make time seem to stand still, or at least slow down. That feeling improves our mental health since many people often feel time-deprived in this…

Making sense of the cross channel experience

In this short essay, Jon Fisher of UK consultancy Nomensa presents some introductory thoughts about Nomensa’s framework for ”sense making in cross channel design”. In particular, he demonstrates a potential method for visualising the information space from which understanding can…