Category HCD / UXD
Donald Norman on the next UI breakthroughs
A user experience conversation on NextD
Jackson Fish Market – handcrafted software experiences
Jackson Fish Market, with the tagline “Handcrafted Software Experiences,” in November 2006. “In their introductory blog post, co-founder Hillel Cooperman talks about his grandfather’s fish store, Jackson Fish, a “small businesses was run by family, with everyone pitching in as…
The New York Times “introducing” the usability professional
Philips Design on experiencing experience design
Involving end-users in the design of medical devices
Peter Greenaway and the Savoy experience
The Nokia “observe and design” brand slide show
New Core77 article series more sophisticated than ever
Nicolas Nova lectures in Turin, Italy – 12 July
Timo Veikkola (Nokia) on a vision of the future
Jyske, the Danish experience bank
78 steps to configure email on a Nokia 3G phone
Innovative service design concepts in the US
Motion presence – a Motorola field study on sharing motion information
Alcatel-Lucent’s Alex and Lucie on user-centric experience
Motorola ethnographic research on shared experiences to inform ICT innovation
Carphone Warehouse study on the role of mobile phones in our daily lives
Portable objects in three global cities: the personalisation of urban places
With Daisuke Okabe and Ken Anderson. Draft of a chapter forthcoming in Rich Ling and Scott Campbell Eds., The Mobile Communication Research Annual Volume 1: The Reconstruction of Space & Time through Mobile Communication Practices. Transaction Books. Mizuko Ito reports…