Category Experientia

Art Center College opening up a global debate

The world of design and innovation has greatly changed in the last decade. The challenges are more complex, more intricate, and more systemic, and therefore require an increasingly holistic and multidisciplinary approach, especially in education. Or in the words of…

A conversation about Torino with Bruce Sterling

Today Torino World Design Capital published an interview Experientia partner Mark Vanderbeeken recently conducted with Bruce Sterling. This time not about spimes, ubiquitous computing or digital fabrication, but about his experience with the city where he lived for the last…

Former Experientia intern, designer on Pentagram Design project that just won prestigious IDEA award

Former Experientia intern Nina Boesch was the designer and programmer (under the creative lead of Lisa Strausfeld) on Pentagram Design‘s “Interactive model of Lower Manhattan” that just won an Industrial Design Excellence Award. Co-sponsored by BusinessWeek magazine and the Industrial…

Nicolas Nova in Turin

  Nicolas Nova, Swiss Federal Research Institute (CH) Designing a new ecology of mixed digital and physical environments 12 July 2007 – 7pm Order of Architects of the Province of Turin via G. Giolitti 1 – Torino – 3rd floor…