Category Methods
Digital wellbeing and deglamourising choice [WorldChanging]
Jan Chipchase of Nokia on connecting the unconnected
Microsoft Home showcases new prototypes of technology for daily living
“As part of its ongoing investments in exploring how software-driven innovations might influence consumers’ lives over the next five to 10 years, Microsoft Corp. recently unveiled a host of new and updated technologies in the Microsoft Home. The latest scenarios…
How the human experience drives design at Nokia
Philips: LiveSimplicity on status skills
Philips reveals new design innovations at the 2006 Simplicity Event
Futurelab on learning, social software and games
Applied empathy: a design framework for meeting human needs and desires
“The methods most user experience professionals typically use today are, at best, incomplete and, at worst, without any meaningful focus,” writes Dirk Knemeyer in UXMatters. “There is not a successful, established approach and framework for closely linking the real-world needs…
European versus American innovation
Birth of a new specialty: social networking design
Living a second life [The Economist]
No more SMS from Jesus: ubicomp, religion and techno-spiritual practices
In a reflective and insightful paper, Dr. Genevieve Bell, a highly respected anthropologist and director of user experience at Intel, analyses the use of technology to support religious practices. Bell argues that “the ways in which new technologies are delivering…
My customer, my co-innovator
Fab Labs deliver innovative solutions to local needs [Christian Science Monitor]
Fab Labs are different than the myriad other nonprofit programs working to introduce technology to disadvantaged communities. The MIT professors who came up with the Fab Lab concept believed that rural villagers in India, sheep herders in Norway, and impoverished…