Category Methods

Microsoft Research New England inaugural symposium

On Sept. 22, 2008, Microsoft Research New England conducted an inaugural symposium in Cambridge, Mass., hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to open an extensive collaboration with leading research institutions in the region. The symposium included introductions to Microsoft…

Experientia’s Jan-Christoph Zoels at Picnic /2

Experientia’s senior partner Jan-Christoph Zoels is this week at the Picnic conference in Amsterdam and is sending regular updates. Here is his second one, covering the Thursday morning sessions: Group actions just got easier! – Clay Shirky jump-started the second…

Book: Coming of Age in Second Life – an anthropologist explores the virtually human

Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human (Hardcover) by Tom Boellstorff Princeton University Press Hardcover, 2008, 328 pages Millions of people around the world today spend portions of their lives in online virtual worlds. Second…

Intel navigating future moneyscapes

Digital technology is changing the everyday forms and experience of money. Cheryl Miller reports on the Research@Intel blog how field research by Intel’s People & Practices Research team identified key themes and opportunities for technological innovation. The researchers presented their…