Category Scenarios
Book: Mobile Persuasion
Ubiquitous computing gone mad
The user is the content
Vodafone’s Receiver magazine is “at home”
The latest issue of Vodafone’s Receiver magazine (#18) is entitled “at home” and is introduced as follows: Digital media are entering the connectivity as a matter of course era, and they are entering the “home zone”: the home (for many…
Robot future poses hard questions [BBC]
UK hosting provider imagines web in 2020
Jan Chipchase of Nokia on delegating positive experiences
Design led futures
Demanding Innovation: Lead markets, public procurement and innovation
Experience Design Lab project on care for the elderly
Interview with Adam Greenfield on the user experience of ubiquitous computing
Régine Debatty (of we-make-money-not-art) and Nicolas Nova (co-organiser of the upcoming LIFT conference) have together interviewed Adam Greenfield in which he focuses on the user experience of ubiquitous computing. Greenfield is the principal of design consultancy Studies and Observations, and…
Developing user-centered tools for strategic business planning
Nokia presents video scenarios of the future
World Economic Forum briefing materials
UK foresight studies identify emerging trends over the next 50 years
Via the BBC I found out about the Sigma and Delta foresight scans, with nearly 250 papers that look ahead at developments over the next 50 years. The research was commissioned by the UK Office of Science and Innovation‘s Horizon…