Category Book

Book: Human-Computer Interaction – Development Process

Human-Computer Interaction: Development Process (Series: Human Factors and Ergonomics) by Andrew Sears and Julie A. Jacko (Editors) CRC Press, March 2, 2009 Hardcover, 356 pages Amazon – Google Books Preview Hailed on first publication as a compendium of foundational principles…

Book: Mobile Technologies – From Telecommunications to Media

Mobile Technologies – From Telecommunications to Media Editors: Gerard Goggin; Larissa Hjorth ISBN: 978-0-415-98986-2 (hardback) 978-0-203-88431-7 (electronic) Series: Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies Google preview Summary In light of emerging forms of software, interfaces, cultures of uses, and…

Dissolving service design

Dan Saffer, who together with Interaction-Ivrea alumni Jennifer Bove, recently started the interaction design studio Kicker, is working on a revision of his book Designing for Interaction. Most interestingly, he will dissolve the service design chapter and “just place the…

The Situated Technologies project

A year ago I wrote about Adam Greenfield’s pamphlet Urban computing and its discontents. Adam’s pamphlet was the firsts in a nine-part series that aims to explore the implications of ubiquitous computing for architecture and urbanism: How are our experience…