Category Conference

Seeing Tomorrow’s Services

Adaptive Path organised a panel on service design yesterday. Panellists were Shelley Evenson (CMU), Robert Glushko (UC Berkeley), and Christi Zuber (Kaiser Permanente). No matter where the economy heads, one thing is certain: we’re living in a service economy. Approximately…

Design thinking for the future at LIFT09

The session devoted to Design Thinking was my personal favourite of the entire 2009 LIFT conference. Beyond the engineers and business’ discourse about the future, what is it designers can propose? What sort of alternatives are they envisioning? What’s the…

Carlo Ratti, Dan Hill and Anne Galloway on the ‘long here’ at LIFT09

One of the best sessions of the entire LIFT conference took place on Thursday afternoon. As half of the world is now living in cities, it’s undeniable that the recombination of our physical environment through technological advancements will lead to…

Lifestream workshop at LIFT09

The other Experientia workshop at LIFT was Lifestream – Visualizing my data. The workshop, which was completely packed, was run by Willem Boijens, Vodafone, and my business partner Jan-Christoph Zoels, Experientia, and set out to explore large quantity information visualization.…

35 Picnic conference videos

On Vimeo you can find no less than 35 videos of the Picnic conference. They are great. My personal favourites (quite a few): Jim Stolze: The virtual happiness project “Virtual Happiness” is a research project that aims to provide insights…

Two Experientia/Vodafone workshops at the upcoming LIFT conference

Experientia, in collaboration with the Vodafone User Experience team, is running two workshops on 25 February at the upcoming LIFT conference to present the results of two recent projects and explore their impact. KashKlash: exchanging the future Join us for…

Indian usability conference tackled digital divide and user experience design

As part of the World Usability Day 2008, the Department of Information Technology at Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology (V.I.I.T.), Pune (India) hosted on 27-28 November the Conference on Advances in Usability Engineering, a platform that brought together the professionals,…