Category Devices
Nokia and Vodafone create ShareIdeas
A blueprint for the perfect phone
Book: Mobile Persuasion
Making the web experience less cumbersome on mobile devices
Mobile advertising: will there be a consumer backlash?
The Economist features work by Swisscom anthropologist Stefana Broadbent
BBC News speaks to Jan Chipchase of Nokia Design
BBC News has just published a feature on Jan Chipchase, principal researcher at Nokia Design and frequently featured on this blog. “Jan Chipchase tours the world looking at how people use mobile phones in their everyday lives and, more broadly,…
Designing the user experience of a phone for the elderly
Vodafone’s Receiver magazine is “at home”
The latest issue of Vodafone’s Receiver magazine (#18) is entitled “at home” and is introduced as follows: Digital media are entering the connectivity as a matter of course era, and they are entering the “home zone”: the home (for many…
Nokia Experience Beta
The Times profiles Nokia user researcher Jan Chipchase
LIFT conference video selection
I found some time today to watch the videos of the 2007 LIFT conference presentations. Here are my preferred ones: Panel discussion on technological overload with Stefana Broadbent of Swisscom Innovations (14:25); Daniela Cerqui, anthropologist at University of Lausanne, about…
Book: Personal Content Experience – Managing Digital Life in the Mobile Age
Mobile is the 7th Mass Media and is to internet like TV is to radio
Web 2.0 is not for India
Avnish Bajaj, co-founder and Managing Director of Matrix India (the $150-million India fund of Matrix Partners, a global venture capital company) thinks Web 2.0 is not for India: “I think people are wasting their time on Web 2.0 in India.”…