Usability in the UK communications sector

In June 2008 Ofcom, the UK communications regulator, held a one day event about usability in the communications sector. The event was held to encourage debate, to share ideas about good practice, to hear others’ views on how usability can be promoted and to explore…

The debate on open access to Interactions Magazine

The September-October issue of Interactions Magazine has been published and is now shipping to all members of ACM’s Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI). The rest of us can access some limited content online (three articles in the current issue). Now that Interactions has…

The future of the desktop

Nova Spivack, founder and CEO of Twine, reflects in an smart foresight article on ReadWriteWeb on the future of the desktop, now that everything is moving to “the cloud”. Here are his predictions: The desktop of the future is going to be a hosted web…

Design for emotion and flow

Trevor van Gorp explains how psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of “flow” can help you design emotional web experiences by cutting through information overload to engage users. Here are some basic website traits that will help to encourage flow. Clear navigation: Make it easy for the…

AP’s ethnography of news consumption

A few months ago I wrote on an ethnographic research project undertaken by AP (Associated Press) and how it is influencing their reporting style. Now Ethan Zuckerman, a researcher on the impact of information technology in developing nations, has written a long reflection on the…

Deafness and the user experience

Because of limited awareness around Deafness and accessibility in the web community, it seems plausible to many of us that good captioning will fix it all. Lisa Herrod argues on A List Apart that it won’t. “How many times have you been asked this question:…