3rd Living Knowledge conference on community based, co-creative research
The recent 3rd International Living Knowledge conference (3LK) provided a forum where information on community based research, carried out in both community and academic settings, on new forms of partnerships between research and civil society and on new modes of…
Background report on Danish “Concept Design” study
The ancient tradition of Moroccan storytelling threatened by entertainment technology
Motorola on ambient non-intrusive displays
New French research on collective mobile phone use
New technologies and the ergonomic risk to users
BT’s Crossing the Divide project
CHI 2008 in Florence, Italy
A virtual think tank on regional innovation in Belgium
Designing for the elderly: targeting the voice of experience
Adaptive Path’s Rachel Hinman in conversation with Mark Jones, IDEO about service design
The ultimate user experience: technologically-mediated sex, erotica and BDSM
Articles from current InfoDesign newsletter
Bruce Sterling lecture in Torino, Italy
Bruce Sterling will be speaking on his recent book “Shaping Things” in Torino, Italy on Thursday 27 September at 6pm. The event will take place at the “Circolo dei Lettori” [Readers Club]. Sterling [wikipedia – blog] is an American science…