

European Market Research Event – Day 2, morning

Due to travelling, it took me a few days to write up my summary of the Tuesday presentations at the European Market Research Event, but here we are. In this write-up I will concentrate on five speakers: James Surowiecki, Roula…

Yaniv Steiner speaking on rapid prototyping at World Usability Day Italy

Last Tuesday people across the globe attended World Usability Day gatherings and events, an initiative promoted by a professional association called the Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA). Experientia partner Michele Visciola is the president of UPA-Italy, and in that capacity he…

European Market Research Event – Day 1, afternoon

During the afternoon sessions of the European Market Research Event, I attended presentations by Clive Grinyer of France Telecom Orange, Sarah Pearson of ACB/University of Sussex and Francesco Cara of Nokia. There is also a short write-up of a talk…

Experientia interviews Anne Kirah, senior design anthropologist at Microsoft

Anne Kirah (bio) is senior design anthropologist at Microsoft’s MSN Customer Design Centre. In this interview, she talks on the importance of taking off your blinders and focusing on the real lives of real people. She discusses her work at…