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ZIBA Design’s search for the soul of the Chinese consumer
Belgian experience design lab getting off the ground
One of the exciting initiaves within the Belgian C-Mine project is a new Experience Design Lab within the Media & Design Academy, a platform with the double function of integrating and transforming the various disciplines of the academy, and enabling…
Living Labs Europe – user-driven innovation environments in the information society
A Living Lab is a city area which operates a full-scale urban laboratory and proving ground for inventing, prototyping and marketing new mobile technology applications. A Living Lab includes interactive testing, but is managed as an innovation environment well beyond…
52 percent of MySpace users are over 35
IDEA 2006 conference on designing complex information spaces
Book review: Designing for Interaction
Design to the people! [International Herald Tribune]
Portable content not connecting with consumers [Reuters]
Made in Italy at Chinese prices [Spiegel Online]
Spiegel Online just published a fascinating story about how the Chinese are infiltrating the Italian fashion industry, right here in Italy! The backdrop is Prato, a small Italian city of 180,000 with 25,000 Chinese workers and 2,000 Chinese entrepreneurs, who…