Category Methods
Delta Airlines: change the experience / experience change
Swisscom launches Room 2.0
Pew/Internet typology of information and communication technology users
Half of all American adults are only occasional users of modern information gadgetry, while 8% are avid participants in all that digital life has to offer. The Pew Internet & American Life Project conducted a survey designed to classify Americans…
CHI 2007 – Can user-centred design be harmful?
Researchers and practitioners meeting at CHI 2007 produced the surprising argument that user-centred design is a bad idea, writes Andy Daerden on Usability News. Instead, a range of alternative approaches were proposed for projects in developing countries such as “community…
LIFT conference video selection
I found some time today to watch the videos of the 2007 LIFT conference presentations. Here are my preferred ones: Panel discussion on technological overload with Stefana Broadbent of Swisscom Innovations (14:25); Daniela Cerqui, anthropologist at University of Lausanne, about…
Social lending gains net interest
“Now there is a wave of sites trying to convince people that the web is the place for their money,” writes Katie Ledger of BBC’s Click Online. “The concept is called social lending and the idea is to introduce people…
Gartner’s interview with Eric von Hippel
World Usability Day announces 2007 healthcare focus
MyThings – Social Networking meets the Internet of Things
MyThings (as the name suggests) is an online registry of members’ possessions, from jewellery and electronics to cars and boats, writes Joanna Bawa on Usability News. Sign up and gain access to a range of services including valuation, recovery after…
Healthcare insurers conduct ethnographic research and test prototypes to provide more personalised experiences
Design’s ethnographic turn
Forrester’s new Social Technographics report
Book: Personal Content Experience – Managing Digital Life in the Mobile Age
The infrastructure of experience and the experience of infrastructure
36% of online American adults consult Wikipedia
More than a third of American adult internet users (36%) consult the citizen-generated online encyclopedia Wikipedia, according to a new nationwide survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. And on a typical day in the winter of 2007,…
Interaction design for classrooms
Vodafone research on what women expect from mobile phones
Robot future poses hard questions [BBC]
Experientia launches Italian version of Putting People First
We are very pleased to announce that we have created an Italian version of Putting People First. Siamo molto lieti di annunciare la realizzazione di una versione italiana di Putting People First. It contains summaries of all the articles of…