Category Healthcare

Report: Booting up mobile health

Mobile health is emerging at the intersection of dynamic changes in mobility patterns, health care delivery, and new mobile technologies and networks. New technologies and the services they enable will be just one piece of a larger strategy for engaging…

Denmark leads the way in digital care

Using medical devices and notebook computers, Danish patients can see doctors without leaving home, and have the information automatically logged into electronic records. The New York Times reports. “Several studies, including one to be published later this month by the…

How people power can transform Britain

The Independent is publishing a collection of essays to launch NESTA’s ‘Reboot Britain’ programme. Reboot Britain will explore the role new technologies and online networks can play in driving economic growth and radically changing public services. The programme will begin…

The Economist on sensors, mapping and mobiles

The Economist this week comes with a new edition of its 24-page Technology Quarterly supplement, which contains four articles that are related to the theme of this blog: Taken your medicine? Health care: Mobile phones provide a cheap and simple…

Round. The World. Connected. A video series

The Nokia Siemens Networks has created an extremely well produced website and video series, entitled “Round. The World. Connected.” that sets out to understand what connectivity means to different people and cultures across Europe, Asia and the Americas. The project…