Category HCD / UXD

The huge challenge of Nokia’s head of design and UX

The acclaimed Italian journalist Luca De Biase recently interviewed Marko Ahtisaari (blog – wikipedia), Senior Vice President, Design and User Experience of Nokia, for the Italian business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. Here is what happened these last few weeks:…

IKEA’s Playreport

Playreport is a global research project on children, families and play, initiated by IKEA. The company conducted 11,000 interviews in 25 countries, and spoke to 8,000 parents and 3,000 children aged 7-12. It is therefore, according to IKEA, the largest…

UXnet disbanded

Louis Rosenfeld, president of the Board of Directors of UXnet, announced last night that the user experience network is being disbanded: “On behalf of UXnet’s board of directors, I have a bit of difficult news to share: we are disbanding…

UX leadership

Will Evans (Director, Experience Design for Semantic Foundry) and Daniel Szuc (Principal Usability Consultant at Apogee) have created UX Leadership, a new publication and forum to discuss leadership in the context of the UX community, and “to start a user…