Category Business

Service design at Kraft

Reena Jana of Business Week reports from SXSW on the activities of Moshe Tamssot, Kraft’s VP of New Services. “Formerly of American Express and G.E., Tamssot was hired about a year and a half ago to help Kraft “transform” itself…

Microsoft Research’s “Technology for Emerging Markets” group

The Technology for Emerging Markets group at Microsoft Research India seeks to address the needs and aspirations of people in emerging-market countries, including those who are increasingly consuming computing technologies and services, as well as those for whom access to…

Design thinking for the future at LIFT09

The session devoted to Design Thinking was my personal favourite of the entire 2009 LIFT conference. Beyond the engineers and business’ discourse about the future, what is it designers can propose? What sort of alternatives are they envisioning? What’s the…