Category Turin
Designing for new forms of governance
Videos online of “Humanizing technology through design” conference
Experientia speaks at EFUS webinar on insecurity at night
Experientia speaks at Turin’s Technology Biennial
Torino, how are you?
Torino, come stai?
The first of a thousand nights – ToNite project opening event
La prima di mille notti. Evento di inaugurazione progetto ToNite
Experientia launches a training program on “Behavioral Design & Cultural Transformation within the Cottino Social Impact Campus
Experientia is offering a new behavioral design training program within the new Cottino Social Impact Campus, the first center in Europe dedicated to impact education. The “Behavioral Design & Cultural Transformation” course (scheduled 23 to 27 March) is aimed at…
Experientia lancia un programma di formazione su “Design comportamentale e trasformazione delle culture” entro il Cottino Social Impact Campus
Invito: DesAlps design thinking workshop per la tua startup
Hai una startup? Hai mai pensato ai benefici che potrebbe trarre dal Design Thinking? Questa è l’opportunità per scoprirlo! DesAlps Workshop #2: Il Design Thinking per la tua startup! Giovedi 28 giugno 2018 – dalle 9:30 alle 17:00 @ I3P…
Invito: DesAlps innovation workshop per le PMI del territorio piemontese
Experientia è lieta di invitare le piccole e medie imprese del territorio piemontese al: DesAlps Workshop #1: Il Design Thinking per le PMI Venerdì 18 maggio 2018 – dalle 9.00 alle 17.30 @ Rinascimenti Sociali | via Maria Vittoria 38,…
Impact through Design – Event in Turin, Italy
(Scroll down for English) Come può il design generare impatto? In continuità con il summit International Days of Deans and Experts: Impact Through Design (Barcellona, aprile 2018) Torino ospita il primo evento dedicato alla prospettiva italiana sull’impatto generato attraverso il…
Innovate through service design – The Innovation Center of Intesa Sanpaolo and Experientia for “Torino Design of the City”
by Erin O’Loughlin – Photos: Naz Kazazoglu In Turin, you only need to tell your taxi driver “Take me to the skyscraper” to end up at the impressive Innovation Center of the Intesa Sanpaolo bank, rising in the heart of…
Don’t miss Experientia at Torino Design of the City
Torino Design of the City is nearly here! Experientia will of course be part of this exciting week (10-16 October) of events, meetings, workshops, exhibitions and guided tours about design, and we warmly invite you to join us. The event…
Half-day event on service design innovation in Turin
(This page will be regularly updated to reflect minor programme changes) To Innovate through Service Design – Conference for Torino Design of the City From 10 to 16 October, the City of Turin will host Torino Design of the City.…
Nesta as an innovation move for Turin, Italy
A few months back we wrote about the ongoing negotiations between Nesta, the UK’s innovation foundation, and the [Italian Foundation] Compagnia di San Paolo to set up a Nesta Italia in Turin. These negotiations have now finished and the results…
Nesta, the UK’s innovation foundation, planning to embark in Turin, Italy
Today the print edition of the Italian newspaper Repubblica published an article with the title Nesta, i campioni dell’innovazione puntano su Torino. Below is the English translation (with English-language links added by us): Nesta, the champions of innovation, point to…
The Adaptive Reuse Toolkit
The Adaptive Reuse Toolkit – How Cities Can Turn their Industrial Legacy 
into Infrastructure for Innovation and Growth by Matteo Robiglio Policy Paper, September 2016 The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) All over in the world, industrial…